Chicago Dreaming

Chicago Dreaming

Saturday night we went to “The Office” with some dear friends Mike & Ashley to round out Wil’s birthday celebrations. I’ll post pictures from there sometime this week, but something really struck me on our walk after we got back and I had to blog about it. Mike & Wil walked ahead as Ashley & I lolligagged in our heels and chatted incessantly. It’s so funny because we were talking about putting down roots in Chicago, and what we want that future to look like when we walked past the sweetest little front yard dinner party. At first I walked past and in true form whispered to Ashley about how much I love that…then I thought better of it because I knew I really wanted to take a picture. She and I turned around and I casually asked if I could snap a photo. You see, this symbolizes so much of what I want, and really what I have. And I think it’s pretty cool that those things seem to be lining up. This is what I love about Chicago in the summer. About living in the city. What I adore about making friends who love to cook….and talk a lot. And it speaks to why I’m do what I do. To build a life I enjoy, surrounded by friends. To sit and eat outside and just be. To encourage each other and grow together in life. To live in community and bless each other. To cook, eat, and enjoy delicious food together! ;-) Do you ever just walk by something and think oh! yes! that is awesome! This was one of those moments for me. I had to document it for myself, and I wanted to share it with you.

Do you ever have magical moments like this? Moments that just speak to you! I want to hear about them :-)


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