Quarterly Goals Check-In for the Year

Quarterly Goals Check-In for the Year

How is it September? Seriously. And for that matter, how are we past halfway through September?! I just realized its been three months already since I checked in and updated where I am with my goals for the year. So let’s get to it!

Business Goals:

I. Maintain my business and marketing plan for the year. Yes an actual written, month-by-month plan. Ehhhhhh yes. I’m going to say I’m on track with this. I have some catching up to do, but mostly yes I am keeping up with these things.

II. Rock at surprising my clients and surpassing their every expectation (good surprises only). Big grinning face yes! Yay!

III. Shoot 20 weddings this year. So close! 19 complete year-to-date with two more this weekend to take it over the edge. Six total more on the calendar right now with another two maybes. Yay!

IV. Get my packaging branded and simplified. Shoot. I need to improve here, stat!

V. Better engage my audience –> Triple my monthly online traffic and commenting. Done and done. Definitely focusing more on the engaging instead of the traffic next year. Love you guys.

VI. Hire an awesome team to make an Emilia Jane Photography video! YES! And it’s up on the front page of my site if you haven’t seen it yet :-D EmiliaJanePhotography.com

VII. Write a viral post Definitely feeling like this was a silly goal and it will either happen on its own or not.

VIII. Submit at least one wedding/session per month for a blog/magazine feature! Yes yes yes. Lots of features already posted, lots more coming.

IX. Better define and streamline my style. This year has been huge for me in this. I feel like I have taken great leaps and especially in the past month or so of weddings I feel like I’m finding more and more of MY style of images in sessions and weddings.

X. Talk more about my WHY :-D and pour my heart into this and into you all! I’ve talked about this a couple times since June! WHY & My wedding day goals

XI. Start video blogging Yes! I did the first one: a little tour of our first floor/meeting space & kitchen. I have another one planned about my new camera bag, but I have to have someone else hold the phone to film it…I haven’t twisted Wil’s arm yet :-)

XII. Rock married couple’s worlds with my new Beloved sessions (announcement coming soon!!) I am LOVING these sessions and would LOVE to be shooting even more of them!! Recent Beloved work right here!

I feel like I really have actually kicked it up a few notches since June! Now to finish the wedding season and year strong!

Personal Goals and New Years Resolutions! 

I. Have a regular quiet time. blerg. I have a great group that I’m reading with but I don’t feel like I am getting the quality quiet time I need. This is COMPLETELY because I’m not carving out the time for it. I need to figure out how to make this happen (aka get up earlier).

II. Build into my marriage with Wil and into him as a person! In general I think I’m doing o.k. at this but I need to be doing so much more. 

III. Master meal planning, eating local and clean. With 7 this month I feel like I’m doing better at this. Not awesome. But baby steps are still steps in the right direction.

IV. Dress up more! Too funny. This quarter I’ve found myself in lululemon pants even more frequently. Okay I need to pull out the real clothes :-)

V. Read more, for business and for fun! I will read on the train today. Any recommendation?

VI. Floss five days a week.  I need to set an alarm on my phone and grow out of this stupid bad habit.

VII. Hire cleaning people.  This badly needs to happen.

VIII. Simplify our home style and make it work for us. I feel like we’re definitely on track here. Now just to simplify the amount of stuff. 

IX. Spend my weeknights wisely hmmmmmmm this is a bad week to check in on this goal. I’m just working so much…but I don’t know where else the time would come from. 

X. Mentor someone I’d still love to have a couple people that I could be consistently helping more hands on than just email…but I’ve been answering a lot of questions via email! 

XI. Get our finances in order. Wil says we’re on track and I believe him. I would love to not stress out about this (at least this much) next year. 

XII. Pursue joy in everything! I’ve added “smile” to the bottom of each of my to do lists. It’s a little heart warming reminder every time I check my lists…which is basically all day :-)

Thank you SO much for reading and supporting me. Please feel free to comment and nudge me in the right direction where I’m lack here too ;-)

Since every post is better with pretty pictures…I leave you with Lauren & Stefan. Their wedding is coming to the blog next week!


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