Packing & Planning for Miami

Packing & Planning for Miami

 We literally decided to go on this trip last week. The trip is next week. Since I normally like months and months to plan outfits and activities you can imagine the circles my brain is running in.

So! I need your help for recommendations of books to read on the plane and while we’re there.  I know it’s been ages since I’ve done a post about what I’m reading…. sadly that’s because I haven’t been reading :-(

I’d like to read at least one good business book and one fun book while we’re gone. What would be your tip top recommendation for each of these? 

What I’m planning so far…(basically my favorite things about travelling): Writing and journaling a lot…reading fashion magazines…

….laying by the pool sipping mojitos and reading under my big floppy hat…

…and dressing up for a fancy dinner out or two :-D …

…that’s pretty much the whole plan. If only the dream closet magically came in real life with the blog post! Hah!


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