End of the Year Goals Check-In

End of the Year Goals Check-In

I have to start by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful mother!!! You are such a huge blessing to me, and I cannot wait for our exciting adventures both next month and for the rest of our lives! I love you! (photo from my wedding by Arlina Rose)

Instead of checking in when 2012 is over next month, I’d really like to start fresh with a new set of goals then! So here we go…

Business Goals:

I. Maintain my business and marketing plan for the year. Yes an actual written, month-by-month plan. Nope. I fell of the wagon hard here. I started strong, and then just toppled over. At least in my marketing plan. I think I’ve almost met everything in my business plan. 

II. Rock at surprising my clients and surpassing their every expectation (good surprises only). Yes and yes! Loving it.

III. Shoot 20 weddings this year. Wow. I have one more elopement on the 30th, and that will make my 29th wedding this year. So exciting!!!

IV. Get my packaging branded and simplified. Nope. Dangit. Next year! 

V. Better engage my audience –> Triple my monthly online traffic and commenting. Yes. Love you guys. 

VI. Hire an awesome team to make an Emilia Jane Photography video! YES! And it’s up on the front page of my site if you haven’t seen it yet :-D  EmiliaJanePhotography.com

VII. Write a viral post Definitely feeling like this was a silly goal and it will either happen on its own or not.

VIII. Submit at least one wedding/session per month for a blog/magazine feature! Lots of blog features this year! I’m so excited about this. I really want to push for a magazine next year :-D but more about that in a couple weeks!

IX. Better define and streamline my style. This year has been huge for me in this. I feel like I’m finally getting there with my work. Whatever that actually means!

X. Talk more about my WHY :-D and pour my heart into this and into you all! I don’t think I’ve done as well this quarter in this area. I need to strive further and talk deeper instead of just more.

XI. Start video blogging. Well shoot! I did that one. Does that count? Oops!

XII. Rock married couple’s worlds with my new Beloved sessions. I am LOVING these sessions and would LOVE to be shooting even more of them!! Recent Beloved work right here!

Personal Goals and New Years Resolutions! 

I. Have a regular quiet time. This has been a real struggle this year. It’s an area I desperately want to work more in next year. 

II. Build into my marriage with Wil and into him as a person! In general I think I’m doing o.k. at this but I need to be doing so much more. 

III. Master meal planning, eating local and clean. Bahahahahahahaha. We’d have to eat at home for me to do any of this! Silly Emilia. 

IV. Dress up more! I do this some! 

V. Read more, for business and for fun! I read far fewer books this year than I would like.

VI. Floss five days a week.  I need to set an alarm on my phone and grow out of this stupid bad habit. :-(

VII. Hire cleaning people.  You guys!!! I met with a woman last night and she’s coming on the 27th for the first time. After procrastinating this for too long I am really excited to finally be making it happen.

VIII. Simplify our home style and make it work for us. It’s funny, even though November was about getting rid of stuff….we seem to still have piles everywhere :-( 7 round two?

IX. Spend my weeknights wisely. I’m going to have to learn how to say no to make this happen. I’m terrible at saying no.

X. Mentor someone. So this hasn’t played out exactly as I thought it would…but I feel like I’ve helped a few people this year! Hopefully even more next year :-)

XI. Get our finances in order. Yes and no. I manage my business money, but that’s not what this goal is about. So it isn’t totally up to me. It’s still definitely a huge point of anxiety for me and I’m hoping to find a good way to be helpful in the coming year. 

XII. Pursue joy in everything! Some days are easier than others, but yes, I am pursuing the joy. 


Wow. It feels like yesterday that I wrote these goals out. Honestly I can’t believe we’re already to the end of the year! I’m not going to lie, 2012 has been rough. There have been many things to rejoice over, but also a lot to grit our teeth and pray through. I am really ready for a fresh start in 2013! Thank YOU so much for your love and support. It means so much to me. I’m excited to see what joy and adventures 2013 brings our way! XXOO


immediate bitwave