Three Years

Three Years

arlina rose photograpjyToday is Wil’s and my three year anniversary of marriage. They have flown by and felt like eternity, they have been filled with celebration and frustration, joy and many growing pains, bitter guiseppes and bottles of champagne. These  years have been the hardest and most rewarding of my life so far. Anyone who says marriage is easy is either lying through their teeth or not trying. Melding lives with another human being is beyond complex but so worth it. It is a joy and an honor to do what I do and document so many people choosing to fight forever for the one they love as much as I love Wil. Truly, it is a privilege. And so today is for Wil. To say thank you for fighting with me and for me forever. I love you always.

Thank you Arlina for this picture from our wedding day. And a little more about our itty bitty wedding if you’re interested :-)



immediate bitwave