Kristin and Fish met as teenagers on a trip to South Africa and built their relationship exploring the world. They wed in the beautiful Antigua, Guatemala...
As seen on, This sweet couples' Gallery 1028 celebration with Estera Events is straight out of a home decor magazine...
As seen on Style Me Pretty, this beautiful brunch wedding in Brooklyn at the iconic River Cafe took my breath away this May...
be·lov·ed [bih-luhv-id, -luhvd]  adjective 1. greatly loved; dear to the heart. | noun 2. a person who is greatly loved. Today I am so excited to tell you about about a new kind of session I am just now starting to offer. I’ve had this idea in my mind for a long time of sessions for married people in love. Something like an engagement session…but more… Yesterday was Wil’s and my 1 […]
be·lov·ed [bih-luhv-id, -luhvd]  adjective 1. greatly loved; dear to the heart. | noun 2. a person who is greatly loved. Today I am so excited to tell you about about a new kind of session I am just now starting to offer. I’ve had this idea in my mind for a long time of sessions for married people in love. Something like an engagement session…but more… Yesterday was Wil’s and my 1 […]