Survey Says!

Survey Says!

Hi Friends! Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out my little survey last week, it has really helped me start to think through what my goals should be for the blog moving forward. I don’t think you all probably care to read line by line results, but I wanted to share a few highlights with you!

» Some of you are men! At least 5, which is more than my Dad and Wil :-) welcome grooms & other friends! Per your request, I promise to try to limit the girly content.

» 60% of you are married

» 1/3 of you are photographers!

» 70% of you have never been photographed by me (How can I incentivize you to change this? ;-))

» 70% of you are okay with 3-4 new posts per week instead of 5. I could kiss you all on the mouth! Change is coming.

» By a vast majority your favorite posts are my life updates and personal posts :-D :-D :-D LOVE you all! Seriously.

» 50% of you want to see more marriage & Chicago related posts, I am so excited to make this happen!

» A solid third of you never interact with the posts by commenting or liking. A couple things about this, first, thank you so much for filling out the questionnaire! Second, please let me know your here sometimes?? :-P Comments mean the absolute world.

» You all read some really interesting other blogs that I can’t wait to check out!

So the first big change coming from this is that I am going to try out taking Fridays off from the blog. I will incorporate some foodie posts on other days, but I have really felt the need for a day of rest from the blog and I am so happy that you all think that’s ok! I’m going to be thinking more through changes for next year but I’m going to implement this right away. Big hugs and lots of kisses! I’m going to leave you with one of my new headshots from Suzy…I promise a full post of them really really soon!

Have a wonderful weekend! XXOO


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