The cherry blossoms were beautifully blooming when we arrived in San Francisco! We stayed at the Prescott in Union Square on Saturday night and went to dinner at the Big 4 with Jess. Dinner was delicious.I was obsessed with the brass detailing and pastel buildings everywhere!
Sunday we drove through Marin, stopped at the Muir Beach Overlook and lunched at a darling little place at Stinson Beach. So many delicious oysters on this trip!
Elizabeth has a meyer lemon tree in her back yard and the cutest house! I can’t wait to come back and see it once she’s done renovating. // Tuesday we had planned to go wine tasting in Sonoma but were thrilled to connect with our friend Erin who works in pastry at Ad Hoc and actually grab lunch with her at Bouchon. It was so crazy walking through Yountville. After lunch she showed us around the French Laundry garden and then we went wine tasting at Hope & Grace, Cakebread, and Domaine Carneros.
I apparently make silly faces for the camera after a few glasses of wine <3
Other notable food from the trip that I failed to take pictures of but highly recommend: Brown Sugar Kitchen (the best waffles I’ve ever tasted), Starbelly (Michelin Bib Gourmand–sit on the patio if you can), Bouchon Bakery (you have to try the TKO — Thomas Keller Oreo), Taqueria Cancun (the only taco I’ve ever tasted that might be better than Big Star), Ritual Coffee, Boot and Shoe Service, and Bottle Cap for brunch.
Thank you so much to Elizabeth & Jess for hosting and showing us around your beautiful city!