Latest Obsessions: Spring Edition

Latest Obsessions: Spring Edition

»David’s Tea!«

This Canadian tea company has recently opened up shop in Bucktown and quite frankly, it’s hard for me not to stop by for tea every single day. If you’re looking for the PERFECT  hot black sweet tea without adding any sweetener, you have to try Glitter & Gold. I’m still hunting for the perfect iced option, but they’re getting five new ones in today! <3


» Patio lunches and dinners and drinks. I’d like to choose D, All of the above. « 

Be it Big Star, Letizia’s, J Parker, or Caffe Gellato, you can find me outside ;-)

» Pictures that finally look like spring « 

This one is kind of a given…but I think the city of Chicago sighed happily yesterday when we finally saw 70 degrees on the radar for the next ten days. And! That means more pictures like this… :-D (more from Laura & Kevin next week!!)

» Ice cream sandwich breaks in the afternoon « 

Yes please.

»  Bright red manicures! «  

Ok fine, really I love these every season! Do you no chip? I can’t get a normal manicure anymore.

» Lululemon everything  « 

I am LIVING in lulu these days when I don’t have meetings outside the house.

So yeah…a lot of my loves revolve around food….but we already knew that! What are you loving lately?



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