Dreaming Big

Dreaming Big

If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.

I’m just let that going to sink in for a second.

Are you letting your fear (and excuses) be more important than your dreams? Ugh. How convicting is that! I am SO guilty of this. Saying oh yeah…I’ll do that next year…. brushing things under the table. Coming into this week was kind of scary (and super exciting of course). I am currently in Las Vegas with 15,000 other wedding photographers. I have wanted to come to this conference (WPPI) since 2008. This year, I am actually here. I flew by myself to the other side of the country to be surrounded by people I have mostly only met online….pretty nerve wracking stuff. But I made it. I’m here. And I am SO EXCITED to hear so many people I admire speak, and to learn from them. In reality this week is easy compared to next week. Now that I’m here I have to challenge myself to be bold in introducing myself to strangers,  I have to take TONS of notes, and glean as much knowledge as possible. Next week is just up to me though. Next week I have to execute. I am saying this for myself but I want to say this loud and clear for all of you though too:

Achieving your dreams is up to you.  You can’t count on other people to give you permission. So here today in this space I am. I am giving you permission to chase your dreams. I am telling you to do one thing today that scares you. Be it personal or professional, it is up to no one but you.

Being the kind of risk averse person I am, I have to write lists first, and make notes. If this is you too, it’s ok. Actually write down what it is that you want to do. Be really specific. And then underneath it right down what you’re scared of. Rejection? Failure? Being laughed at? Then below that actually write what you think could be the most awful possible consequence. What’s the worst that can happen? How bad would it really be? Is it worse than where you are right now? I honestly doubt it is.

Now take a second and ponder. Think about some of the biggest, coolest things in your life. I don’t know about you, but for me, each thing on that list scared the crap out of me at one point. How freaked out were you to step out and do them? How rewarding is it to say you have done them now? Action trumps fear. What do you actually need to do to accomplish your dreams? Again, write this down. Be as specific as possible. Then write down what you think are your biggest obstacles. Are the people you’re spending the most time with helping your or hurting you? Are they daring you to dream bigger? Or are they sucking up your life and energy? What else do you need to re-evaluate?

As I look at the goals I posted this January, I know I’m tracking on some of them…but some I had already forgotten! And it’s only February. I know. So here’s to taking action, conquering fears, and putting yourself out there! The first step is the scariest. I’ve been reading people’s blog posts about how awesome WPPI is for YEARS and now I’m here thinking “what the heck took me so long?!”

I’m not going to post a pretty picture to close this out. I don’t want to give you the impression I think this is simple, and can easily be broken down into some cute catch phrase photoshopped onto a picture of a waterfall. I want you to to actually write down your dreams and goals. And then I want you to go accomplish them. And know that I am here, and I support you! I’m not an expert, but I love talking through things with people :-) Always feel free to email me.

And can you do me a favor? If you like this post at all, or really even if you hate it…. can you let me know your thoughts in the comments below? Thank you. Seriously. 


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