7: Media Month for December

7: Media Month for December

Okay, seriously! How is it December already?!? I am both excited for and terrified of media month. This is what I’m giving up:
»  Giving up watching TV by myself //I’m going to start this now that Wil is coming back from NYC today…I just didn’t have the self control when I was here alone…yes I know…it doesn’t make sense AND is terrible
»  Deleting the facebook, twitter and pinterest apps from my phone (only checking each when I’m already on the computer) //this is already done and I feel like a weight has been lifted. Wil sent me a fascinating article yesterday about going off Twitter and I’m kind of sold. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
»  Culling my google reader feed from 658 subscriptions to 300 or less. //down to 270 and feeling free!
»  Turning off all pop-up notifications on my phone (for email, etc.) //done and done. It feels amazing and I’m already reaching for my phone less!!
»  Charging my phone in a room other than my bedroom, setting an actual alarm clock and waking up to that. Not looking at or using my phone in bed. //this is also going to start tonight since Wil will be home.
And these last two are things I want to do…but am not sure how practical they are.
»  Carrying pen and paper everywhere.
»  Spending time reading a physical paper book daily, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Here’s a link to all of my 7 related posts if you’re interested in why I’m giving up TV for the month ;-)
And lastly, because almost every post needs a picture…it’s Wil and I in Paris! Because I’ve been missing him this week and because I am SO excited to post Paris pictures next week!!!


immediate bitwave
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