Where I am Right Now

Where I am Right Now

I feel like this is the most honest picture taken of me latetly. No make-up, unshowered, just taking a moment to enjoy the afternoon sun.

The past couple months have been full of transition for me. I’m trying to figure out how to make a new schedule….to only really report back to myself on a daily basis. I’m definitely not great so far at following the structures I’ve attempted to implement. At the same time, Wil has started travelling every week for work. I had no clue how much I rely on him for things until he wasn’t here 3-4 days a week. I’d be lying if I said this was easy. As someone who has never successfully maintained a long distance relationship, I am not savvy in the ways of settling disputes via FaceTime. And I’m not quite smart enough yet not to escalate a fight via text message. Eventually, I will learn. Hopefully I can figure out a rhythm for both getting everything done that needs to be done, loving Wil well even when he isn’t here full time, and feeling like a sane person. For now, I’m enjoying afternoon breaks in the sunshine and praying a lot more, and sometimes taking more than 24 hours to reply to emails.


immediate bitwave