7: Purging Possessions

7: Purging Possessions

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I had hoped by now that I would have a pretty picture like this to show you of a million things we’ve eliminated from our home this month. The truth is, today is the 14th, we leave for a week long trip that will take us almost to the end of the month in six days. I need to get on it. The first week of this month we got rid of, sold, and donated over 75 things from our “junk” room which is now a music room. I have started a stack of my clothing and accessories to pass down that is also in the 50+ itens range (and I’m just getting started). I have two secret bags hidden of Wil’s old old clothing that I’m going to wait a few months to see if he misses (then I will ask him before donating). So that leaves us with less than 50 items to go. The thing is though that I’m kind of discouraged because I know that last 50 won’t really make a difference. Our home isn’t going to look any less cluttered. I don’t know how many things we’d have to get rid of to accomplish that.

Stuff isn’t important. It isn’t hard for me to part with things. It’s really hard for me to take the time to sort through which things are worth keeping. I don’t want to eliminate anything we’d have to buy again. I do want to say this though, I’m really excited to be noticing this for the first time. And I am happy to be moving my thought process about this stuff even if it doesn’t seem like I’m doing as much as I should be on the outside.

I have to give a HUGE props to Beth from 3UpAdventures who posted her list of 224 items in our 7 facebook group on November 2nd. She and her husband just had a crazy epic wedding and are leaving soon to go live in a van for a year and tour the US of A. If you like adventure, you should check her blog out :-)
picture from Pinterest

**If you’re curious as to why I’m eliminating 210 things this month, you might want to start at the beginning of my 7 adventure**


immediate bitwave
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